How To Clean Dyson Filter V10

How To Clean Dyson Filter V10


Dyson V10 vacuum machine is a cordless and powerful complete gadget that helps you to clean 99.99 % of dust and bacteria of 0.3 microns. But these dust particles take shelter in filters while using the device, and the instrument stops working or reduces its efficiency. 

Sometimes, it takes more time to clean than usual. You need to clean the filter for a specific time for not to encounter such a situation. In this guideline, I will describe how to clean the Dyson V10 filter. Let’s get into the discussion.

How To Clean Dyson V10 Filter?

Cleaning the filter in your Dyson v10 is good for the machine to increase the efficiency of removing the dust particles in your house. It also gives the device free from not clogging while working. So, following the process of wiping the filters with cold water is mandatory.

  • Power off the cordless device. 
  • Remove the filter from the body of the machine. It is at the back of the instrument that needs to be rotated anti-clockwise. After moving, the filter’s cover in the opposite direction will detach from the body.
  • Gently hit the filter on the edge of the dust bin to release the wastes from the filter. 
  • Put the filter under the tap and wash it slowly with your hands. 
  • Hold the water in it and rotate, then shake smoothly after covering the open side of the filter. 
  • Follow this step until the filter seems clear.
  • After completing the wiping task, tap the filter to remove the excess water. 
  • Let it dry for twenty-four hours. 
  • Please don’t use it until it is entirely free of wetness. 
  • Please take it to the equipment, place it, and rotate it clockwise to fix it.

Now, your vacuum machine is ready to use. 


You invested in your machine to clean your house from dust, debris, or allergic things. You need to take care of your device for this. Otherwise, your gadget will get damaged or fails to remove the dust particles. 

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